Sunday, January 25, 2009


Pinkopiy is a liar. She lied to all her friend's, ever her close friend's about her identity. She
claimed to be a 16 year old, but really she's only 10. Still in Primary School. But that isn't the only terrible thing she did wrong, she even posed as being her friend ''Anne'', I'm sure her friend ''Anne'' wouldn't be happy about that if she ever found it. Will she find out? She's saying that her friend ''Anne'' knows, but Pinkopiy could be fibbing, so who knows?

Since Pinkopiy has lied, could she also be pretending her name is Sandi? Just like many have lied, saying that they're someone else when they're obviously not. No, I found out that her real name is Sandora, Sandi is her nickname. She confessed in Animal-Lovers.

Sandi, aka Sandora has been a bit dirty with Derek. Touching eachother's boob's? Gross! Does Derek even have boob's? I hope not. Derek had virtually ''squeezed'' Sandora's boob's. Sandora has virtually ''bit'' Derek's boob's. I suppose, Derek is much much older than Sandora, and Sandora is much much younger. Which make's it even worse! Sandora is the most pedo-ish 10 year old I, or we, have ever met. Her mind is a 16 year old slut, as pretty.girl.x (or Tahnee) has pointed out. I think we all agree with that.


  1. ROFL
    I don't think Sandi would care anyways.


  2. hmm.. i neva new that about her lol

    buhh i dnt really care.

    on the internet anyone can fake whuu theyy are.

    immahh suree must the guys on stardoll are giirls wiif obviously a boy username, which they talk to to make em selves popular in animal lovers

    buhh thats just my opinion of course

    - prettie_angel
