Sunday, January 25, 2009


fastfox aka Lily is a bitch that we know. She swears non-stop and pays others out like she owns the place. Who does she think she is? The Queen?
I've also found out that she lied about her name for a few weeks, saying that she was just Lily when infact, her real name is Liliana.

What more has she lied about?
Is she infact younger than seventeen?
Is her real name not Liliana?
Maybe her name is Christine, like her "middle name" is.

Lily or Liliana is online 24/7. is it just to talk to her friends? Or maybe there's a secret boyfriend? Maybe she's just obsessed with this website? Who knows?


  1. It's her nickname
    What's so bad about that ?

  2. No, she's said that her full name is Lily and that's it.
    I've been on stardoll for a very long time, since 2006.

  3. ..?
    Her Name Is Liliana,
    So? She Doesn`t Say Full Name.
    AGEEESS Ago, Her Presentation Said Her Name Was Liliana.
    Is That All You`ve Got?

    -- rocking-ryhana

  4. Actually, "Ryhana" she didn't have it for a while. You haven't known her for that long, I guess.

  5. PSSSH,
    Since, What?
    Middle Of 2O08?
    START Of 2008?
    I Dunno How Long I`ve Known Her..
    But I Can Assure You;
    It Was Months Ago Her Presentation Said Liliana.
    Maybe She Doesn`t Like Being Called Liliana?
    Who Knows..
    Theres Nothing Wrong With Going By Your Nickname.

    & "Stardollians?" LMAO.
    Funny Name.

  6. I've seen her in AL every day since she become "well known" there.
    She's only been called "Lily" or "Lilehh".
    She used to say her name was Lily and Lily only.

  7. yeahh i dnt say my ful name!

    okaii so i do.. but so wat?

