Thursday, January 29, 2009


She hates Pinkopiy. She called her a 16 year old slut,
which is VERY true. Pinkopiy tried to be friends with
Tahnee but Tahnee doesn't accept and ignored her.
Sandi (Pinkopiy) has said sorry a lot and still, Tahnee
does not accept. Why? Has Pinkopiy done something
to Tahnee that no one but them knows about?

Monday, January 26, 2009


Is a wannabe popular.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

You will never

ever know who I am.


Your turn in the spotlights over, Deal with it.
Stop trying to be something,
[Or should i say SOMEONE]
Your not.
Pretending to be Madonna was your spotlight,Now, its over.
Its not funny anymore, Your not popular anymore.
Now, Calling people fatties and other names, trying to get your fame back.

And its not getting you anywhere honey.


This bitch isn't well known, But who cares?

She's a freaking wannabe. She dyed her hair, apparently to get rid of her red hair, but some think she just wants to be "scene". Another pathetic, pointless attempt.

When will people learn that being "scene" or "emo" isn't cool? They're just lame losers.

AND with her username. What a loser. "MaddiiMisery"? Pfft.


Wannabee. Wannabee. Wannabee.
All she wants to do is be popular. Making Useless topics in Animal-Lovers for Attention.
Recently she gave her friend a makeover (pretty.girl.x) and now Her medoll now looks like xienan's (Lahllypahp.)
Is Xienan trying to recruit tahnee?
Is Xienan trying to make tahnee become a follower of hers?

Time will only tell.


This girl looks like a bitch and acts like one to everyone, But when you get to know this loser, she's such a goody-two-shoes. She's deleted about ten people from this website for having "Hot lists". I mean, I know they're annoying, because they're freaking pixels, but come on!

xXGnomeXx aka Naomi talks about all her friends behind their backs all the time. What is wrong with her? I've met her once, and she was so apathetic about the whole conversation.

And on myspace, she used to call herself "NaomiNarcotic". What the heck? Is she trying to be scene or something?


All she wants, is attention. OBVIOUSLY!
A while ago she posed as a complete stranger with big round eyes and brown long straight silky hair. People kept saying she was pretty, and that's obviously what she wanted, attention and compliments. Isn't it really pathetic when people fake who they are, it's a waste of time.

If her real name is Cynthia then why is her username Stephie-22? Is ''Stephie'' a bestfriend? Is that her real name? Be sure to email me at if you ever find out this intresting piece of information about her real name.


Also known as 'Maddi Madcore' by her friends, is a two-faced, up-herself, backstabbing, Wannabee, Bitch.She may seem like a nice girl in Animal-Lovers, but her true personality shows when she is near her close friends.
To start things off, Shes such a wannabee.Shes
trying to hard to fit in with all the other populars in Animal-Lovers, and it is way to obvious.And giving herself a scene name, 'Maddi MADCORE'? A bit up herself dont you think? And totally ridiculous trying to be something she isnt.Oh, who could forget her fights with her once close friend Sandi, or her real name 'Sandora'.When maddi saw the topic with her and derek she was disgraced, along with her fellow friends.She then started a brawl with the 10 year old Pinkopiy, calling her a slut and a ten year old whore.Isnt she a nice friend?

Who knows what will happen next...?


Ahhh. The infamous Smooshiewooshie.
"Lilehh" As she calls herself, helps populate the "Wannabe- Popular" population. At one point in stardollian time, she was one of the most popular people in Animal-Lovers. But, like everyone else, she faded into the backround. As a recent cry for attention, she made a topic stating how shes "Quitting stardoll". Of course in her posts, she says how shes not deleting her account, shes just quitting animal-lovers because it "Bores her". I give her max 3 days before she comes crawling back, starving for attention. She may have the "good girl" act working for her under that "wannabe-Scene" shell, but after over a year on stardoll, shes bound to crack soon. When she does, I'll be sure to keep you updated.


She's a real bitch, we know. An attention seeking one too. Is her love for her best friend Gabby real or another attention seeking plan of hers? And what about her various suicide topics? Also attention seeking, l suppose. And her topics about her being an "internet whore" are true to me. l mean, the person she loves the most is a stardoll user and who knows how many other people she likes?
Her emotional stability is another problem. Can Rebecca control her emotions or will she, as said by another stardollian, erupt at any moment?
I don't know but l do know that Rebecca has a pretty rough attitude.


fastfox aka Lily is a bitch that we know. She swears non-stop and pays others out like she owns the place. Who does she think she is? The Queen?
I've also found out that she lied about her name for a few weeks, saying that she was just Lily when infact, her real name is Liliana.

What more has she lied about?
Is she infact younger than seventeen?
Is her real name not Liliana?
Maybe her name is Christine, like her "middle name" is.

Lily or Liliana is online 24/7. is it just to talk to her friends? Or maybe there's a secret boyfriend? Maybe she's just obsessed with this website? Who knows?


Pinkopiy is a liar. She lied to all her friend's, ever her close friend's about her identity. She
claimed to be a 16 year old, but really she's only 10. Still in Primary School. But that isn't the only terrible thing she did wrong, she even posed as being her friend ''Anne'', I'm sure her friend ''Anne'' wouldn't be happy about that if she ever found it. Will she find out? She's saying that her friend ''Anne'' knows, but Pinkopiy could be fibbing, so who knows?

Since Pinkopiy has lied, could she also be pretending her name is Sandi? Just like many have lied, saying that they're someone else when they're obviously not. No, I found out that her real name is Sandora, Sandi is her nickname. She confessed in Animal-Lovers.

Sandi, aka Sandora has been a bit dirty with Derek. Touching eachother's boob's? Gross! Does Derek even have boob's? I hope not. Derek had virtually ''squeezed'' Sandora's boob's. Sandora has virtually ''bit'' Derek's boob's. I suppose, Derek is much much older than Sandora, and Sandora is much much younger. Which make's it even worse! Sandora is the most pedo-ish 10 year old I, or we, have ever met. Her mind is a 16 year old slut, as pretty.girl.x (or Tahnee) has pointed out. I think we all agree with that.


Welcome to this blog/burnbook. Here I only tell the truth, I don't lie, unlike someone in Animal-Lovers *wink, wink*. Before I tell you about this blog, if you have any questions email, or add me on msn at